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StarPlugs Vocoder VST v1.01
Англ. описание:
The quality of a vocoder is defined by its filterbanks. The Starplugs Vocoder uses 32 of pd’s quantumfilter to create two banks of outstandig analysis- and synthesis-filter. Using “handmade” calibrated filterbanks the Starplugs Vocoder reaches the unbelievable warm and rich sound of the very best analogue Vocoder. With its special functions like pitch shifting and consonant -support, voices are distinct and clear and the 256 matrix will give you a wide range of powerfull possibilities. Download the free Demo Version and hear the difference.
16 analysis filter + 36 dB/oct
16 synthesis filter + 48 dB/oct + pitch shift function
16 envelopes / amps + freeze funtion + adjustable precision + 16 peak meter
256 routing matrix + channel add functionality + channel shutdown control
1 analysis input gate + autodecay function
2 signal generators + noise / saw + pitch mode + routable to vowel / consonant